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Traveller's Tale: A Spring Trek on the West Highland Way
Traveller Peter Wells headed out on the iconic West Highland Way earlier this year, this is his experience. It's one of Scotland's Best Walking and Cycling Routes
In early April this year, I again flew overseas to hike in the UK and visit relatives. The main objective was to thru-walk Scotland’s first official national path, the 98 mile (156 km) West Highland Way (WHW) completed in 1980. It runs from Milngavie, on the outskirts of Glasgow, northwards to Fort William in the highlands.
The West Highland Way, Scotland |  <i>Peter Wells</i>
After a week of walks with my Norfolk friends in the Lake District of NW England, I proceeded by bus and train to Milngavie. The path is a major attraction for the town and most hikers begin here. 
The official starting point of the WHW in the town of Milngavie, just north of Glasgow. |  <i>Peter Wells</i>

I spent a restful weekend in Milngavie, taking time to explore the nearby wooded Mugdock Country Park with its colourful gardens and castle ruins, after which the 8-day walk began. Overnight accommodations and luggage transfer were pre-booked as usual with Walkers Britain. It was mid-April, still early spring in Scotland, and I was hoping for good weather. As it turned out, it was quite wet over the first two days, resulting in very muddy paths and wet boots, then it cleared with largely sunny skies and cool temperatures, perfect for walking. Luck was with me.

The path starts with long stretches through valleys (called glens) and across moors and farmlands, then ventures around a mountain top, dips to the famous Loch Lomond, and goes relentlessly along the loch’s edge for two days. It then travels through countless glens, crosses the huge Rannoch Moor, then follows a historic military road through more glens, with some quite demanding climbs over ridges and hills. 
The last three days of the trek were the most demanding, with a stiff climb early each day and seemingly endless straight stretches of path. The scenery became more spectacular as I walked from the lowlands into the highlands, the peaks of distant snowbound mountains seen in all directions when the clouds and mists allowed.

Day One - Drymen

On the first day, I was walking towards the village of Drymen, enjoying the beautiful views of the glens and the distant mountains, the sheep farms, and the small lanes and paths, all clearly waymarked.  
Early on, I met other walkers, on this day two American chaps from Illinois; they were good company, very chatty, and quite determined to walk the whole path in 4-5 days. Later on, I walked with folks from the Shetland Islands, Australia, Netherlands, and surprisingly, Grand Manan Island, NB! Interestingly, there were many solitary walkers like myself.  The first day was pretty level and easy, but very wet and muddy. I arrived at my destination, a lovely Inn, after 6.5 hr. and 19 km. 

Day Two - Drymen to Rowardennan

Day 2 was from Drymen to Rowardennan located on Loch Lomond (23 km). It was overcast and rainy and started with a long road through forestry areas where I met and joined up with a lady from the Outer Hebrides. I was previously unaware of how much forestry was done in Scotland, and on this walk, I passed by many tree plantations, largely Sitka spruce. By mid- morning, there was a steady climb up and around a mountain called Conic Hill. 
Conditions were not ideal - chilly, rainy and sleety, muddy, and very gusty. The trail was difficult and the descent was on very wet large stones newly laid to preserve the path. My trusty hiking poles prevented falling. Once off the mountain, we entered woods and walked towards the spectacular Loch Lomond and a much welcomed lunch at a lakeside café at Balmaha. 
Staying dry and upright on a very wet and blustery day on Conic Hill, Day 2 on the WHW. |  <i>Elaine Hayes</i>

The wet and muddy rocky path, considered a challenging part of the whole walk, continued along the lake shore, with an occasional road and many beautiful mountain views. We arrived late at the Rowardennan Hotel and I settled in. Every hotel where I stayed on this walk was comfortable, with good dining, and especially hearty breakfasts. I faithfully followed the mantra – “protein for dinner, carbs for breakfast”! 

Day Three - Rowardennan to Ardlui

Day 3, from Rowardennan to Ardlui (located across the Loch, on the northwest side, reached by small boat), was a beautiful sunny day. I continued to hike with the lady from the Outer Hebrides. 
The day started easily from the hotel, passing by a war memorial , along an old road through the woods above the lake, heading north. It soon became a rough, undulating rocky and muddy wet path along the lakeside. At times though, there were easier stretches, with beautiful views and the day stayed sunny. 
By late afternoon, I reached the small wharf and after a short wait with some other hikers, we went over to the hotel at Ardlui by small boat. The short ride offered a view of distant mountains and the long forested lakeshore that we had walked along all day. 
A war memorial on the path alongside Loch Lomond, just north of  Rowardennan (Day 3). |  <i>Peter Wells</i> An abandoned farmhouse and view of the snowy highlands beyond Loch Lomond, looking north on a sunny afternoon (Day 3). |  <i>Peter Wells</i> Ruins of the medieval St. Fillan’s Priory in the dell south of  Tyndrum (Day 4). |  <i>Peter Wells</i>

Day Four - Ardlui to Tyndrum

The fourth day was almost 8 hours and over 20 km of walking, from Ardlui to the service town of Tyndrum, via Crianlarich. It was a partly sunny and cool day. The path, some of it on an old military road, went along two glens, and across treed hillsides, some being actively clear-cut. At the lunch spot near Crianlarich, I met up with other hikers, including a keen backpacker, Adam, from England. 
I walked on and off with him for much of the afternoon, it was good company. The final glen that day had extensive farmland with many sheep and glorious views of the mountains to the south. We walked by the ruins of the medieval Priory of St. Fillan and its historic and well-maintained cemetery. After more woodland walking, we finally reached Tyndrum and for me, the nearby Glengarry Guest House. 
After a dinner in town with three hikers from the path, I enjoyed the late evening sitting at the guest house viewing the snowy highlands of nearby Trossachs National Park. I was now midway on the walk. 

Day Five - Tyndrum to Bridge of Orchy

Day 5 was a well-chosen short walking day, only 14 km from Tyndrum to the hotel in the hamlet of Bridge of Orchy. It was overcast, rainy and misty. I left Tyndrum on the north side on a well-marked path, winding up the glen at the base of two mountains, and along-side the busy main road and railway. It was fairly easy walking, as it was again the old military road, bumpy, wet, but easy to follow, and shared with a few other walkers. 
Fellow walkers on the old military road, leading out of Tyndrum to the village of Bridge of Orchy (Day 5). |  <i>Peter Wells</i>
Arriving in early afternoon, I had plenty of rest while watching other walkers cross the famous 1750s bridge and continue up the path. An early night was on order, knowing from the guidebooks that the final three days of this trek were going to be strenuous.

Day Six - Bridge of Orchy to Kingshouse

As predicted, the next three days were a challenging introduction to the highlands terrain. Walking to the historic Kings House Hotel in the Glencoe Valley and the heart of the western highlands on Day 6 started with really pleasant weather, a bit overcast but sunny generally. Starting early, I tackled a stiff switchback out of Bridge of Orchy, through a forest to a summit of a high ridge. 
On the height of land between Bridge of Orchy and the Kings House Hotel (Day 6). |  <i>Peter Wells</i>
Then it was downhill on the old military road to a main road, crossing the Victoria Bridge at the end of Loch Tulla, and starting up the old drovers road to Glencoe. The narrow road with its beautiful stone bridges wound relentlessly across the endless Rannoch Moor - desolate, windy, a wilderness of 50 sq. miles. 
Crossing the Rannoch Moor, an endless stretch of historic military road, blanket peat bog, and wilderness (the largest in Britain) on the way to Kings House Hotel (Day 6). |  <i>Peter Wells</i>
Snowy mountains surround the moor. Fellow hiker Rachel caught up with me and we eventually found a sheltered place for lunch, just off the path amidst the ruins of yet another abandoned stone farmhouse. 

After more hours on the moor, the path finally headed downhill into a wide glen with its Glencoe Ski Centre and a newly rebuilt but historic Kings House Hotel. Arriving mid-afternoon, I soon relaxed in the pub and enjoyed its wonderful mountain views. Across the valley is the pyramidal mountain Buachaille Etive Mor, with its sheer climbers rock face, a famous landmark at the entrance of the storied Glencoe valley, noted for a massacre in 1692 of the MacDonald clan and later for the Scottish Clearances. An early night beckoned.
On the old military road just beyond the Kings House Hotel, with a view of the striking mountain, Buachaille Etive Mor, a famous landmark at the entrance of  the Glencoe valley. A stunningly clear day. (Day 7). |  <i>Peter Wells</i>

The route from Kingshouse to Kinlochleven (14 km) on Day 7 was beautiful, and soon to be strenuous. I started early on a sunny morning with the very long walk along Glen Etive on the military road, straight, long, and rough. After 5 km, there was the waymarked entry to the infamous Devil’s Staircase, named by the soldiers who laboured on the road in the 1700s. 
A steep and rough switchback climb led to the top of a mountain ridge, the highest point on the WHW at 548m, with beautiful mountain vistas. In clear weather, Ben Nevis, the UK’s highest mountain, can be seen from this summit. 
On the summit above the feared Devil’s Staircase, the highest point (548 m) on the WHW with mountain views in every direction (Day 7). |  <i>Peter Wells</i>
A long slow descent followed on a good path to the aluminium smelter town of Kinlochleven, located at the head of Loch Leven. It is famous for a nearby hydro dam built to power the smelter and town. I checked into the Highland Getaway Inn, after an outdoor lunch with fellow hikers, now very familiar faces. Such camaraderie kept me going on this walk, as well as emails from family. 
I had time to explore the town and a display of a huge Pelton Wheel, a water impulse turbine used to generate waterpower for the smelter. It had been a good weather day, and while only 14 km, the walk felt longer likely due to the long glen and steep Devils Staircase. 

Day Seven and Eight - Kingshouse to Kinlochleven, and Fort William

The walk from Kinlochleven to Fort William was the final long one (24.5 km, over 8 hours) and tiring. The path started with a steep climb out of the glen, with good views looking back towards the town, then a long walk west on the old military road at the base of several mountains. The path eventually turned north on a bumpy track through many areas of deforestation and new tree plantings, a sadly disturbed landscape. Finally, I was heading towards Ben Nevis and Fort William on Loch Linnhe. I came into the town along side the visitor center and soon found my Guest House. 
Other walkers and another old farmhouse (Tigh-na-sleubhaich) on the old military road in the glen, surrounded by mountains, between Kinlochleven and Fort William (Day 8). |  <i>Peter Wells</i>

The following morning, I walked to the centre of town and down its main street to the official end of the WHW path – a bronze statue of an old contemplative man sitting on a bench. I celebrated the occasion with other walkers that morning. The WHW trek was completed but happily, many memories, pictures and new friendships remain! 
More walking adventures from “New Scotland” are being planned.
Two gents (one solid, one tired) at the official end of the West Highland Way, in Fort William. |  <i>Peter Wells</i>
Words by Peter Wells who travelled on the West Highland Way self-guided trip in Scotland. 
Traveller's Tale: Walking in the Cotswolds
Traveller Anna Frank recently headed on our "Exploring the Cotswolds" trip - this is how she spent five days in this extraordinary part of England.
I visited the Cotswolds as a little girl, under 10, and the imagery of the famous bridges in Bourton-on-the-water and the colour of the beautiful stonework were embedded in my memory. 

I settled in the USA 30 years ago, and the trails of the Olympic mountains in Washington State or state park in my hometown are where I've done the majority of my walking. We try to come to the UK every few years, and though enjoyable, I'm always left with a feeling I should have stayed longer. 
So on this trip, when the old man had to get back to work, I stayed an extra week and decided I would go on a solo walking holiday. I picked Walker's Britain's "Exploring the Cotswolds" to get my feet wet with this type of trip. As I was alone and unsure if I would drive myself mad in my own company, get lost or bored with a long or demanding trip, I chose a short 5-day trip. 
Here's how I fared.
'Exploring the Cotswolds' Trip with Anna |  <i>Anna Frank</i>

DAY 1: Arriving in Moreton-in-Marsh

The day I dropped my husband off at Heathrow T5 was the day after the faulty CrowdStrike update. It was BEDLAM in the terminal. I kissed him goodbye and rapidly went in search of the Elizabeth line. Advised by a helpful Heathrow employee to take a coach to Reading rather than the Tube, I made my way to Reading (in comfort, thank you National Express) and from there took an overground train to Moreton-in-Marsh. 
I booked my train from Reading online about 3 weeks prior and it was seemingly a pretty full train at that time, so was glad I didn't wait till the last minute. 
My accommodation in Moreton-in-Marsh was The Swan, run by a lovely staff full of Cotswolds advice and happy to store my lunch in the kitchen fridge. I ate at Raj Mahal across the street, which was excellent.

DAY 2: Walking to Bourton-on-the-Water

After a fabulous full English, I took off on the Monarch's Way. 
My only unpleasant incident of the whole trip took place right away, when an off-lead Alsatian named Carl decided I was the enemy and ran directly at me, pounced, teeth, growling etc. I came to no harm, but I was NOW surely awake. 
The path was through mostly open, flat fields with some cows, beautiful big oaks and good country walking to Longborough. I stopped briefly in Donnington, which was very pretty. I was too early to go to the Fox public house, but I had a long way to go, so trekked onto Stow. 

Stow was lively. Though very touristy, it was still before the kids were on summer holidays, so mostly older folks. Some fabulous charity shops here, and a cheese shop where I purchased a hunk of cheddar to supplement my picnic. I ate my lunch in St. Edwards Churchyard and completely missed the stunning church door! I had neglected to look ahead in the way of finding notes, before arriving. Fortunately, I made up for this error and my brother, who picked me up, at the end of my trip took me to Stow and the lovely door. We also visited the oldest inn in the UK, The Porch House for a fab lunch.

Lower Slaughter was another spot where I could've stayed longer, but at this point I was tired, and it was getting hotter. 
Finally, I reached Bourton. After 11 miles, I was hungry and inhaled a large helping of chips with salt and vinegar under a tree and made my way to my lodgings. The Lansdowne was LOVELY. By far the best of the places I stayed. Modern, comfortable and the service was excellent. I slept like a baby. 
'Exploring the Cotswolds' Trip with Anna |  <i>Anna Frank</i>

DAY 3: Walking to Guiting Power, transfer to Winchcombe

Have you ever thought to yourself why did you bring something on a trip to not use it and it feels like it's weighing your pack down? Before this walk, I'd been to other places in the UK. I had been schlepping trekking poles around and hadn't used them once. I had also been wondering why I had exclusively packed long trousers and brought no shorts! Well, this morning showed me I had packed wisely. 
My first public footpath on the way out of Bourton-on-the-water was a slanted, uneven trail, with overhead stinging nettles on one side and thistle on the other. It was July, so the growth height was at its most epic. Both poles and long trousers were a must. 
The path travelled through farms, with cows and sheep in pastures and some sections of deep woods with old railway bridges and the river Windrush winding through. I made my lunch stop in Naunton. I made up for my error of the day prior and did not miss out on seeking out the Naunton Dovecote. There is a lovely spot by the river next to the Dovecote to eat your picnic. 
The rest of the way to Guiting Power was farm fields, some with shoulder-high crops that had I been a few inches shorter, would've been over my head! I stopped at The Cotswolds Guy for provisions and then onto the Hollow Bottom pub for a read and a pint. I didn't have lodgings in Guiting Power, so Walkers Britain arranged for a taxi which took me to Winchcombe, where I spent two nights. It was nice to be in the same spot for two nights. I had more food choices in a small town and didn't have to pack my case up - which I appreciated.

Winchcombe has an attractive winding row of buildings that climb up the high street. I visited the St Peter's Church twice, to meditate and to see the fabled alter cloth that is said to be connected to Henry VIII's first wife, Catherine of Aragon. I arrived after they had locked up for the night and was let in by a caretaker who had shown up to put out the rubbish bins. Such is a small town with trusting folks. I had the place to myself. 
'Exploring the Cotswolds' Trip with Anna |  <i>Anna Frank</i>

DAY 4: Walking to Winchcombe

I chose the longer of the two routes - because at this point, I was getting the hang of this walking thing. If you'd asked me on day one, I would've said the shorter route was definitely in my future, not the longer, but when I learned there were Abbey ruins and that there were going to be views to be savoured, I was in it to win it.

The taxi picked me up in the rain and dropped me back into Guiting Power. I would've held back and started later but had a taxi reservation. No matter - that's why I had the Gore-Tex raincoat packed too, right?
The woodsy and muddy section through the Farmcote estate led to a good section of road, then a longer bridleway where all I saw was my immediate surroundings. Eventually, though, things began to open up. The views got bigger and farther afield could be seen. There was one field of cows where I had my most funny moment. I'd just started down a spur trail and took out my phone to be sure I was on the GPS path and was aware I was not alone. Cows are curious and so down the trail two of them decided they were going too. The phone was swiftly put away and haste was made. 
Hailes Abbey was closed, as it was a Tuesday, so I took a peek around the chapel, had lunch and made my way across the fields into Winchcombe. I did get into Sudeley Castle and Gardens, the latter of which I highly recommend. There was a live raptor display the day I was there. The gardens are immaculately manicured, and I felt a bit cheeky sitting on a bench, covered in mud and sweat, and there's a good chance some cow poo, particularly as a few gorgeously dressed young women sat having their photos taken. 
'Exploring the Cotswolds' Trip with Anna |  <i>Anna Frank</i>

In conclusion, I loved my trip. 
The one time I reached out to Walkers' Britain with a question, I was immediately helped. The GPS files and app were easy to use and the 52-page notes and wayfinding information were thorough. 
I never felt unsafe. There was a cell phone signal pretty much everywhere I travelled and a road never too far away. I enjoyed the solitude a lot. The walking was meditative, and I feel like I gave myself the greatest gift of time, space and natural beauty. 
Words by Anna Frank who travelled on the 5-day Exploring the Cotswolds self-guided trip.

Scotland on Foot: The John Muir Way turns 10
To mark the 10th anniversary of the John Muir Way, a path that extends from Dunbar, on the southeast coast, to the seaside town of Helensburgh in the west, we’re revealing our top ideas for an active break across the Scottish Highlands and Lowlands on foot.

Tackle the John Muir Way, the Scottish Version of ‘Coast to Coast’

John Muir was born in 1838 in Dunbar, on Scotland’s southeast coast, and as a child developed a deep love of the natural world around him. 

Best known for encouraging the establishment of the Yosemite National Park (USA), Scotland honoured its famous son in 2014 with the John Muir Way, which symbolically links Dunbar with Scotland’s first National Park (Loch Lomond and the Trossachs) and the seaside town of Helensburgh in the west, forming a Scottish coast-to-coast route. 
Looking along the course of the Antonine Wall |  <i>John Millen</i> Dunbar Castle and the sea |  <i>John Millen</i> Dungalss Hill and Highland cattle |  <i>John Millen</i>


Discover What Makes the Isle of Arran ‘Scotland in a Miniature'

From smuggler caves to iron-age stone circles, no two days are the same on this new walking trip.
The most accessible island on Scotland’s West Coast, the Isle of Arran is also known as ‘Scotland in Miniature’: over a week you will experience classic Highlands and Lowlands scenery, hairy coos and sheep, scenic waterfalls and white sand beaches, as well as locally brewed whisky and traditional haggis.  
Discover the Machrie Moor Standing Stones on the Isle of Arran Looking at Goatfell Mountain on the Isle of Arran Explore the natural beauty of the Isle of Arran, in Scotland


Follow the Old Military Roads of the West Highland Way 

The perfect entry-level long-distance hike, the West Highland Way connects Britain’s largest lake with its highest mountain, from the south of Loch Lomond, Britain’s largest lake, to Fort William and the foot of Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in the UK. 

The route is a step back into history: many stages follow military roads that date back to the 1700s and were used to link the Highlands to the Lowlands, as well as hotels that originated from droving inns that operated for centuries. 
Hiking in the West Highland Way |  <i>Duncan Andison</i> Walking the West Highland Way Looking upstream while standing on the Bridge of Orchy |  <i>Tom Riddle</i>


Relive the Legend of the Notorious Scottish Outlaw on the Rob Roy Way

Scottish Rob Roy MacGregor was a notorious outlaw who, after escaping capture several times, became a folk hero (in later life, due to his fame or notoriety, King George l gave him a pardon). 

The 80-mile Rob Roy Way goes through classic Highland scenery and areas that were his old haunts. 

It begins in Drymen, whose Clachan Inn is the oldest registered licensed pub in Scotland and, at one point in its history, was run by Rob Roy’s sister.
Hiking through the unspoilt forest of the Rob Roy Way |  <i>Kenny Lam</i> A walker admiring the view on the summit of Ben A an on the Rob Roy Way. |  <i>Kenny Lam</i> Stunning scenery on the Rob Roy Way


Find Your Favourite Loch Along the Great Glen Way

An exhilarating long-distance trail starting at Fort William and concluding at Inverness, Scotland’s northernmost city. 

Following mostly canal- and loch-side footpaths, the Great Glen Way passes by the foot of Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the UK. 

Scattered along the shores of Loch Ness, the centuries-old forts and castles remain a silent witness to the country’s turbulent past.  

View over Fort Augustus on the Great Glen Way High above Lochness Castle Urquhart, on the north shore of Loch Ness


Is Scotland calling you? Find your favourite Scottish itinerary in this rugged, unspoiled wilderness. 

Video diaries: 'My journey across England'

Fellow Walkers' Britain traveller, Michael, embarked on an unforgettable adventure in May 2024: the Coast to Coast walk across England. The trip was more than just a walk; it was a journey through the heart of Britain, showcasing its natural splendour and leaving him with memories to cherish for a lifetime.

This long-distance trail stretches from the Irish Sea at St Bees to the North Sea at Robin Hood's Bay, covering approximately 192 miles. 

Each day offers new scenery and challenges, making the hike a truly enriching experience. One of the standout aspects of the walk was the incredible variety of environments he traversed, each with its unique history and charm. 

Watch his daily video diaries below over the course of the 17-day guided trip.

DAY 1:


DAY 2:


DAY 3:


DAY 4:


DAY 5:


DAY 6:


DAY 7:


DAY 8:


DAY 9:


DAY 10:


DAY 11:


DAY 12:


DAY 13:


DAY 14:


DAY 15:


DAY 16:


For Michael, a highlight of the trip was their guide, Mark. His deep knowledge of the route, local history, and natural surroundings greatly enriched the experience that brought the landscapes to life. His presence added a layer of comfort and security, allowing Michael and his fellow travellers to fully immerse themselves in the adventure without worrying about the logistics. 

Having completed this remarkable crossing, Michael is already looking forward to his next long walk in the UK. He visits the UK periodically to see family and friends, providing the perfect opportunity to explore more of its beautiful trails. 

The Coast to Coast walk has ignited a passion for long-distance hiking, and he can't wait to see where his next journey will take him. 

Videos supplied by Michael Moore who travelled on Walkers' Britains guided Coast to Coast walk.

UK's National Parks: A short historic film

How did the UK’s National Parks come to be?

UK's National Parks are the country's most iconic and awe-inspiring landscapes – a source of wellbeing, adventure, community and connection with nature for millions of people.

Take a step back through history and watch a short film, which was shown in the UK cinemas during the 1930s.

The film captures the battle to preserve the UK's landscapes and natural treasures. It reflects a pivotal time when public pressure reached a breaking point amidst conflicts between landowners and people demanding greater access to the countryside. 

Momentum was built and eventually led to the landmark year of 1949, when the groundbreaking National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act was passed. The law gave way to better protecting the UK's natural landscapes and providing recreational opportunities and accessibility for the public to explore and appreciate UK's outdoors.


Today, the UK is home to 15 magnificent National Parks, each offering diverse wildlife and beauty:

England (10 National Parks)

Wales (3 National Parks)

  • Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons)
  • Pembrokeshire Coast
  • Eryri (Snowdonia)

Scotland (2 National Parks)

See the stunning National Parks of the UK as they are today by exploring their trails on foot or by bike – find your active holiday.

First Spring Departures For The UK’s Top Walking and Cycling Breaks

Hit the trails as early as the first week of March, which is when many of our UK walking and cycling breaks have their first departures. 

March marks the beginning of the UK’s walking season, with many trips offering departures as early as the first day of the month.

If you would like to be among the first to get back hiking on the trails as they reopen after the winter, below are ten of the best options in Britain to consider when exploring the UK over spring.

Dorset & the Jurassic Coast from the first day of March

Lulworth Cove, Durdle Door and St. Oswalds Bay - Jurassic Coast, Dorset

The popular Dorset Coast Path largely follows the Dorset coastline, an area of outstanding geological importance: over 200 million years of rocks have been laid down, bent and twisted before being eroded by the sea to expose rock profiles on beaches, accessible to fossil hunters and scientists. Away from the crowds and with some of the warmest weather in all of the UK, you will never be too far away from attractive villages and towns. There will be several opportunities to explore ancient hill forts and visit Roman and Saxon remains.

Keswick & Lake District from the first day of March

The lane into Great Langdale |  <i>John Millen</i>

The so-called ‘Adventure Capital of the UK’, in the north of the English Lake District, Keswick is a bustling market town established in 1276. It is here, right at the heart of Cumbria, that we have found you the perfect guesthouse to use as a base for a series of scenic spring walks. On your first walking break of the year, take in classic English landscapes, unforgettable viewpoints, waterfalls and scenic woodlands covered in bluebells at this time of year.

Cornwall’s South West Coastal Path from the first day of March

Walking the Salt Path, or South West Coast Path, in England |  <i>Roy Curtis</i>

Cornwall is one of British holidaymakers’ favourite active holiday destinations. White sandy beaches, turquoise waters, a vast network of trails and rugged cliffs dot Cornwall’s long coastline. It has also kept enough space for traditional fishing villages to try its famous pasty or Cornish ice cream. Walkers will rejoice as they follow the iconic South West Coastal Path, with four week-long, self-guided walking breaks with daily departures from March so you can choose the best one for you.

Rob Roy MacGregor’s Scotland from the end of February / early March

Taking a break at Rob Roy's cave in Scotland

Scotland is a land of spectacular scenery that gets lots of colour returning in spring. It is also rich in legends and folk tales. Scottish Rob Roy MacGregor was a notorious outlaw and a hero for many (he escaped capture several times!) and today you can follow in his footsteps through classic Highland scenery and areas that were his old haunts on the Rob Roy Way. The hiking break begins in Drymen, whose Clachan Inn is the oldest registered licensed pub in Scotland and would have been known by Rob Roy as it was run by his sister!

Cotswolds, the ‘Heart of England’ from mid-March

Wisteria on Broadway High Street |  <i>Trevor Rickard</i>

The Cotswolds are a range of gentle hills extending northeast of the city of Bath, through Cheltenham to Stratford-upon-Avon, the ‘Heart of England’. An ‘Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’, the Cotswold landscape is an entrancing mixture of idyllic villages, serene rolling hills, cultivated fields with dry-stone walls and patches of unspoilt woodland. On your walks here, you’ll be surrounded by lots of spring flowers in the woods and gardens. Alternatively, you can cycle your way through the quaint villages for a scenic ride through one of the most beautiful and historic parts of England. The Cotswolds is the perfect introduction to the English countryside with our first departures of the season in mid-March.

St Cuthbert's from mid-March

Our hikers enjoying the St Cuthbert's Way |  <i>Alan Hunt</i>

St Cuthbert’s Way stands out among UK walks, taking you through two countries and concluding on an island. Originating in Melrose, Scotland, where the saint was born, this pilgrimage mirrors the life of St Cuthbert, culminating on Holy Island in Northumberland, where he served as Bishop of Lindisfarne. The trail traverses remote grassy hills, showcasing Northumberland's prime hiking terrain, including The Eldons, Wideopen, and Cheviot's side, leading to the coast and caves where the bishop's remains were sheltered from Viking raiders. Amid sheep and livestock grazing areas, visitors may encounter moorland birds like the golden plover and the haunting call of the curlew. The trail's lesser foot traffic adds allure, revealing charming market towns, villages, and landmarks associated with Sir Walter Scott along the way.Walk through the scenic Cheviot Hills from mid-March.

Hadrian’s Wall from mid-March


Embark on an inspiring journey along the 84-mile (135km) Hadrian’s Wall Path, tracing the footsteps of the Romans from Wallsend in Newcastle to Bowness-on-Solway in the west. This incredible hike unfolds the rich history and cultural significance of the world’s largest Roman artefact, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Hiking Hadrian’s Wall is not just a walk; it's an exploration of a British cultural icon that invites you to connect with the past while savouring the present. You can also cross England by bike through the rugged Northern English countryside, immersing yourself in the tales of ancient forts and small villages. Experience the scenic diversity, from quaint towns to bustling cities, and relish traditional British fare in charming country B&Bs.

Offa's Dyke Path from mid-March

Descending to Lower Redbrook |  <i>John Millen</i>

The Offa's Dyke National Trail is a renowned path crossing the England-Wales border. The 80-mile embankment covers the southern half, from Chepstow to Knighton, offering a captivating exploration of diverse landscapes – from fields and ridges to rivers and ancient castles. Witnessing unchanged farming practices, flourishing wildlife in hedgerows and oak woods, and the occasional Red Kite, this trek unveils the historic charm of border market towns, making it a memorable adventure. The historical trail originates back in the 8th century when King Offa of Mercia faced challenges from Welsh marauders encroaching on his kingdom. Determined to mark his territory decisively, he constructed a massive earthwork along high vantage points, creating Britain's longest archaeological monument. 

West Highland Way from the end of March

Walking beside Buachaille Etive Mor, Scotland

Take in the majesty of Scotland’s great outdoors as you follow this famous footpath on its course from the south of Loch Lomond. The West Highland Way walking route continues to Fort William and Ben Nevis, linking Britain’s largest lake with its highest mountain. The exhilarating long-distance trail is a step back into history, with stages that follow military roads that link the highlands to the lowlands and hotels that originated from droving inns operated for centuries. You can choose from daily departures to start your West Highland Way break falling over the first weeks of spring.

British Isles from March

Watch the sun set over the famous Needles, Isle of Wight |  <i></i>

Surrounded by plenty of smaller isles and islets, the British Isles offers unique opportunities to go for a splendid walking or cycling holiday in the United Kingdom. Two of the main islands –  Isle of Wight and Isle of Man offer spring departures for an island life escape that is usually slow-paced and local people seem more relaxed, and hospitable and are often in for a chat. Add to that a constant sea breeze, fresh seafood and stunning ocean vistas and you’ve got yourself the perfect active holiday on the British Isles

The Isle of Man Coastal Path passes around the southern point of the island following dramatic high cliffs and the 'Calf of Man' a small island where tidal races whip around the rocks and seals play. From cultural heritage towns to wildlife spotting opportunities as seascapes embracing views to England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, The Way of The Seagull path is a must-experience.

You can cycle right the way around the island of Wight for a lovely short break that offers an attractive sightseeing tour, with a mixture of town and country. The route is undulating and there are a few hills but nothing particularly difficult making cycling in the Isle of Wight achievable with plenty of time to stop and take in the beautiful villages, forest and farmlands, and views of the estuary.

View all spring walking and cycling holidays >

If you would like support from our experienced team in planning your next spring walking break in the UK, you can contact us directly or request a callback at your convenient time.
Changes to Europe's ETIAS Travel Authorisation for 2025

Changes are on the horizon for travellers planning a European getaway in 2025. The European Union (EU) is set to implement a new travel authorisation system, similar to the American ESTA, affecting visitors from non-EU countries. 

If you're from Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, or the UK, here's what you need to know before embarking on your European adventure

What you need to know about the new ETIAS Travel Authorisation

What is an ETIAS Travel Authorisation?

Proposed by the European Commission in November 2016, ETIAS stands for European Travel Information and Authorisation System. Its purpose is to establish a digital vetting system designed to identify security threats, irregular migration, and high epidemic risks presented by visa-exempt visitors travelling to the Schengen states.

What's changing?

From 2025, travellers from non-EU countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada and the UK, will be required to obtain a valid ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorisation System) to enter 30 countries within the Schengen Area for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. 

An ETIAS authorisation is valid for up to three years or until your passport expires, whichever occurs first. However, it's essential to be aware that this authorisation can be revoked at any time.

Unlike traditional visa applications, you won't need to visit an embassy or provide extensive biometric data. Instead, you can fill out an online form before your travel, pay a fee, and receive your travel authorisation.

It's important to note that ETIAS is not classified as a visa by the EU. An ETIAS is not required if you are only transiting.

When do these changes commence?

The exact launch date of this new travel authorisation scheme is still pending official confirmation, and we advise travellers to stay updated with the latest news. However, for UK residents, once it is live, applications can be submitted through the website or a dedicated app. 

Subsequently, more countries will be gradually incorporated into the system. The digital platform is anticipated to be fully operational by mid-2025.

How to apply for the ETIAS Travel Authorisation 

To obtain an ETIAS, head to the official EU website to learn more about the new ETIAS scheme and submit your application. Remember, early preparation is the key to a stress-free active holiday.

Viewing Tre Cime in The Dolomites Walking in the Dordogne |  <i>Nathalie Thomson</i> Walking towards Nocelle on the Amalfi coastline |  <i>John Millen</i>

Important considerations for long stays of over 90 days 

For travellers planning extended stays (for example when combining your walking or cycling holiday with a family visit in Europe) or from other nationalities not covered by the ETIAS, such as Australian, New Zealand, Canadian, and US passport holders, it's essential to reach out to the respective embassy. 

Stays exceeding 90 days within the Schengen Area require a long-stay visa from the country where you intend to spend most of your time. Keep in mind that these visas are typically granted for specific reasons (e.g. studying abroad).

Due to individual country visa requirements and each country having its own unique criteria, make sure you have the latest information from your respective embassies for comprehensive and accurate information and to ensure you have the necessary documents and permissions.

What countries are part of the Schengen Area?

The Schengen states, comprising 27 European countries, have an agreement allowing open borders between them. It allows for seamless travel without internal borders. To ensure a hassle-free experience, it's crucial to have your passport stamped upon arrival in the Schengen Area. 

These countries include Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. Additionally, ETIAS applications will also be mandatory for visits to Cyprus, Bulgaria, and Romania.

The following European Union countries do not mandate ETIAS for entry: Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ireland, North Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Russia, San Marino, Serbia and Ukraine.

Looking to travel to Europe soon? Browse our wide range of affordable guided and self-guided holidays across the continent.


Page last updated 6 November 2023.

How I got hooked on self-guided walking holidays

I wish I could remember how I first learned about self-guided walking holidays. The year was 2000. I was 26 years old, and my fiancé was 27. We had recently moved from Chicago to New York City for him to start his ER medical residency and for me to work as a strategy manager at a fashion dot-com start-up within a larger company. 

We were working gruelling hours. Our first chance to take a vacation was in the early fall of that year. Since both of us were avid hikers – and I was a Francophile planning the trip – I somehow stumbled upon a self-guided walking holiday through Haute Provence with Sherpa Expeditions, now known as Walkers' Britain

Haute Provence throwback |  <i>Janice Moskoff</i>

So, given the trip fulfilled both my requirements – hiking and France, I naturally booked it and bought our plane tickets for Paris that continued to Nice. 

Little did I know then, and as an avid traveller who would eventually spend a year backpacking around the world, that this inn-to-inn walking trip style would become my favourite. And a type of trip that my now husband and I would come back to repeatedly. 

In front of GR4 signage in Haute Provence |  <i>Janice Moskoff</i>

Why did I love self-guided holidays? 

From the moment we left Nice, taking a bus out of the city (the trains were on strike) and winding through the pretty rolling hills in the late afternoon light to our destination at St. Andre-les-Alpes, we could feel the stress and the noise of work and the city fall away. 

The proprietors of our first inn were welcoming and fed us a satisfying meal of steak and mushrooms paired with a cheese plate and wine. We fell asleep that evening full, with quiet country night sounds to lull us. 

In the morning, after an ample breakfast, we followed our route notes and hit the trail. 

We loved the feeling of only having to shoulder our day packs and puzzle out the path ahead, knowing our luggage would continue to the next inn without us. 

Eating a snack in Haute Provence |  <i>Janice Moskoff</i> Haute Provence throwback |  <i>Janice Moskoff</i> Haute Provence throwback |  <i>Janice Moskoff</i>

Over our week, as we repeated each day – a new lovely quaint inn, a vigorous beautiful walk to a pretty village, delicious meals of high-quality locally-sourced ingredients, and the freedom to enjoy, explore, and fully absorb our surroundings – I not only fell in love with the beauty of Haute Provence but the sense of quiet discovery to be found on self-guided holiday walking trips as well. 

Haute Provence scenery |  <i>Janice Moskoff</i> Haute Provence throwback |  <i>Janice Moskoff</i> Haute Provence scenery |  <i>Janice Moskoff</i> Janice's husband on the Jordan Trail in Haute Provence |  <i>Janice Moskoff</i> Pear tree in Haute Provence |  <i>Janice Moskoff</i>

Although it was years ago, and the highlights of this trip were many, I remember a few standing out. Like the beautiful views from Chapelle St. Jean near Castellane, hiking through the narrow paths of the Gorges du Verdon, or our unexpected candlelight dinner in an old and since-closed chateau near Riez that happened due to a waterlogged tree falling and damaging the electric wire. 

Beautiful picnic spot in Haute Provence |  <i>Janice Moskoff</i>

Through the years, we have repeated this walking trip style in the Alpujarras in Spain, the Bernese Oberland in Switzerland, along the dramatic coastlines in Gozo, Malta, and the Green Mountains in Vermont. 

And as our kids, who are now teens, get older, it is a rewarding, slow travel way to explore the world that we plan to return to again and again. 

Words by Janice Moskoff. Janice is a travel writer, book lover, and blogger at Gather and Go Travel, a blog inspiring families, adult friends, and couples to explore US and international destinations, emphasizing hiking, beautiful places, and discovery through learning.

Image credits:

5 reasons to walk Ireland's Wicklow Way: Traveller Tale

I, who had never been to Ireland before, was travelling with my partner, Josh, who had been to certain areas of Ireland with friends in the past. We enjoyed our time in Dublin very much, but our experience hiking in Wicklow County in September is a memory we will hold very dear. 

Here are some reasons to walk the Wicklow Way.

1. Photos don’t do it justice 

Before going to Ireland, I often thought people exaggerated how green Ireland truly is. Within minutes, I began to understand that photos barely do the beautiful landscapes any justice. 

Walking the Wicklow Way, every day was filled with rolling hills of various shades of green with other contrasting colours. We walked the trail in September, so some of the local flora had reached the end of their cycle, while the majority maintained their vibrant greens, creating a stunning contrast along the Irish countryside. 

The forested areas, such as Drumgoff, felt magical as small streams and waterfalls seemingly appeared out of nowhere! 

Glendalough Valley view from the Spinc Trail |  <i>Mélodie Théberge</i> Streams and waterfall along the Wicklow Way |  <i>Mélodie Théberge</i> Glendalough Valley view from the beach  |  <i>Mélodie Théberge</i>

The grandiosity of the glacial valley of Glendalough is difficult to describe as it left me in awe. The photos that I have taken only show a glimpse of how grand the scenery was laid before me. 

2. Sheep and other companions 

We love animals! Who doesn’t? While admiring the many sheep and cows grazing and roaming lazily along the mountainsides, you did not need to worry about wolves or bears like you do in Canada. This brought us some peace of mind as we did not need to be on alert 24/7. 

The green vastness in Moyne |  <i>Mélodie Théberge</i>

On some rare occasions, we saw some animals we do not see in Canada; sika deer and red squirrels (ours are not as red)! They were so quick and vanished in an instant. 

For a country full of lush vegetation, I did expect to see more local wildlife, however, we were still ecstatic to see the occasional squirrel. 

Near the stream leading to Poulanass Waterfall, we had the chance to witness some black Irish Stoats swimming from shore to shore. It was adorable and left us feeling refreshed for the remainder of our walk. 

3. A hearty meal and a pint of beer after a day’s hike 

While these may not be our main highlights of the Wicklow Way, the food was still one of the things we really looked forward to after a long day of hiking. 

Every night, we would head out to town, with the exception of Glenmalure where the pub was a part of the accommodation, and find a local pub or restaurant to eat a delicious hearty meal and enjoy a pint of beer (often Guinness, of course). 

Some dishes that stood out to us were the lamb dishes, such as the traditional stew and a rump of lamb, our occasional fish and chips, seafood chowder and more. There were also some delicious fish appetisers and chocolatey desserts. 

The rump of lamb for the restaurant in Laragh |  <i>Mélodie Théberge</i>

Josh’s most memorable dish was the rump of lamb he had at the restaurant in Laragh. This was by far his favourite and he would love the opportunity to eat it again someday. Josh had also tried some of the local Glendalough whiskey at the restaurant in Laragh, the town neighbouring the monastic city of Glendalough. 

Ruins in the Monastic Village in Glendalough |  <i>Mélodie Théberge</i>

At the end of each hiking day, the foods we ate at the local restaurants would heal our weary souls and give us time for our (other) weary soles to rest. 

4. The warmth and hospitality 

We experienced Irish hospitality everywhere we went. The locals were always willing to give us a hand or give us more information about the area and how things worked. It was really enjoyable. On the first day of our tour (The Wicklow Way - 7 Days), we were picked up and brought to our hotel. 

The driver gave us a lot of valuable information about the area and some recommended walks in Tinahely, which we decided to check out once we had settled into our accommodation. We struggled to find the start of the Railway Trail and asked a local. She was really helpful and even gave us more recommendations on particular sites to check out depending on the route we took. We had similar experiences in our accommodations. Everyone was willing to help and share about the local culture. 

The last bit of ascent on the Dublin Mountain |  <i>Mélodie Théberge</i> Large clovers in Enniskerry  |  <i>Mélodie Théberge</i> Glimpse of the contrasting colours and flowers on the Wicklow Way |  <i>Mélodie Théberge</i>

We learned about how prevalent the film industry is in Enniskerry and the Wicklow area and discovered that many popular films and shows are filmed there, like; The Vikings, PS: I love you, and Cocaine Bear! 

On the last night of our tour, we were fortunate to be in a pub on a night when Ireland was playing in the Rugby World Cup. We were happy to share the evening with the locals cheering for Ireland’s victory against South Africa. 

5. The sense of accomplishment 

I had done some research on the trail before heading to the Wicklow Way and made sure to read a few blogs to know more about other people’s experiences. I felt ready for the rain, the wind, the cold air (our toques and gloves came in handy more than once and we recommend bringing some along) and the challenge! We even brought umbrellas with us and we were very happy to have them, especially on some of the rainier days. 

Beginning the walk on Ireland's Wicklow Way from Tinahely |  <i>Mélodie Théberge</i>

Of course, even with all this preparation, there’s nothing quite like experiencing it directly. This trip is graded as moderate and gave me the right level of challenge. We usually walked for about 7 hours a day, including our breaks to eat and change our layers, through rolling hills and steep ascents. We also experienced rain, which also meant muddy trails and a few sections where water covered the trail past the sole of our boots. 

The path on Djouce Mountain was exposed and windy. On average, be prepared to walk about 20-30 kilometres a day, depending on the starting point and which accommodations you are staying at. 

Hiking on Djouce Mountain |  <i>Mélodie Théberge</i>

Arriving at the accommodation at the end of each day felt very rewarding. Some good food and good rest helped us prepare for the next hiking day! 

I will never forget the moment we arrived at the end of the trail at Marlay Park. I couldn’t believe I had actually done it! 

Arrival at Marlay Park |  <i>Mélodie Théberge</i>

Words by Mélodie Théberge who travelled on The Wicklow Way - 7 Days. You can experience the trail in a shorter highlights tour through a patchwork of landscapes between County Dublin to Glendalough, on a week-long walk near Dublin on the Emerald Isle's oldest waymarked hiking trail or hike the full trail over 9 days.

Discovering 'All Creatures' on the enchanting James Herriot Way

As the beloved British TV series "All Creatures Great and Small" graces screens across the world, including Australia and the USA, now is the ideal time to experience the magic that inspired it. 

The James Herriot Way, a 50-mile (80km) circular trail winding through the enchanting Yorkshire Dales, invites you to a world beyond your screen. This picturesque route, affectionately known as 'the best short long-distance walk in the UK,' unveils the English countryside that once captivated the real-life rural vet, James Herriot. 

Born in Sunderland in 1916, James Herriot's books featured stories about animals and their owners and became extremely popular in the 1970s-80s, spawning TV and film adaptations; the latest revival premiered in 2020.


Reinvigorated from his memoirs, this scenic trail offers more than just a walk. It's a pilgrimage through emerald valleys, over mountains, and across moorlands.

Imagine strolling along sleepy rivers, encountering jolly cascades, and passing fields where sheep and cows graze. The path meanders through classic English countryside, adorned with vibrant heather, sedge, bracken, and bilberry-covered moors. 

Historic Grinton Church, Yorkshire Dales Stepping stones across the Ure Views towards the village of Muker

You can also explore charming villages like Reeth, where historic tea shops and pubs echo a time when lead mining shaped the area's identity. 

The six-day adventure with Walkers' Britain offers hikers to delight in the ease of well-marked trails, occasionally overlapping with the renowned 'Pennine Way' and 'Coast to Coast' routes. 

Your walk is complemented by cosy accommodations, ranging from B&Bs and traditional inns to rural guesthouses and small hotels. 

Don't miss this opportunity to walk in the footsteps of literary history while immersing yourself in the slow-paced, beautiful, and historic series that has captured hearts for generations.

View the full James Herriot Way itinerary >

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